Oral History from LGBTQ Pioneers
Index of Interviewees
Outspoken: Oral History from LGBTQ Pioneers
The following is an index of interviewees at this website listed in alphabetical order. Additionally, all content from Outspoken: Oral History from LGBTQ Pioneers is archived at ONE: National Gay and Lesbian Archives, at the USC Libraries, Los Angeles, CA.
Dennis Altman
Jim Anderson
Taura Anderson
Michael Joseph Arcangelini
Ron Auerbacher
Paola Bacchetta
Bill Baird
Jamie Lee Sprague-Ballou
Nick Benton
Warren Blumenfeld
Richard Bradbury
Christopher Bram
Perry Brass
Ellen Broidy
William Joseph Bryan
Don Button
Charlotte Bunch
Roberto Camp
Glenorchy Campbell
David Carter
Jacob Carter
Anne Charles and Linda Quinlan
Sam Chong
Elizabeth Clifford
Jim Clifford - Memorial
Judy Corbisiero
Kristine Cottom
Howard Cruse
Howard Cruse -Memorial
Steven F. Dansky
Nikos Diaman
Murray Edelman
Tim Elliott
Tim Elliott – Memorial
Jack Fritscher
Darlene Garner
Danny Garvin
Danny Garvin - Memorial
Michela Griffo
Ira Helf
Walter Herron
Ingrid Holmgaribay
Mark Horn
Jerry Hoose - Memorial
Louis Hughes, Jr.
Karla Jay
Irene Javors
Ted Johnson
Ted Johnson – Memorial
Dajenya Kafele
Jeffrey Karaban
Sue Katz
John Kennedy
Don Kilhefner
John Knoebel
Harrison Kong
Giles Kotcher
Martin Kreloff
Richard Koob
Richard Landman
Cassandra Langer
Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt
Nestor Latronico
Michael Lavery
Arlene Istar Lev
Barbara Love
Dennis McBride
Brian McNaught
Tommi Avicolli Mecca
Blue Montana
Tracy Moore
Gregory Newton
Robert Patrick O'Connor
Tim Olsen
Frankie Perez
Trina Porte
George Raya
Rob Schlegel
Marc Schnapp
Richard Schneider
Jason Victor Serinus
Martha Shelley
Dan Smith
Jim Toy
Matile Rothschild
John Scagliotti
Sarah Schulman
Ed Sedarbaum
Mark Segal
Ellen Shumsky
Hilary Sloin
Pat Spearman
Thor Stockman
Susan Stryker
Steve Turtell
Rich Wandel
Allan Warshawsky
Dick Weismann
Bob Witeck
Allen Young
Paulette Young